It is almost 2023, and many graphic arts businesses will be gaining or losing employees in the new year. At least that is the takeaway message from a recent Robert Half survey. “According to the company’s biannual Job Optimism Survey of more than 2,500 professionals in the United States, 46% of respondents are currently looking or plan to look for a new role in the first half of 2023, up from 41% six months ago.”

The graphic arts industry today relies heavily on contracted labor, either through small firms which are really collectives of contractors working together or through individuals who contract their services out to a number of companies. Thus, the finding of “nearly three in 10 professionals (29%) are considering quitting their job to pursue a full-time contracting career” caught our eye at the Seybold Report.

We agree with the statement in the Robert Half press release from Paul McDonald, senior executive director of the company, “The employment landscape is changing day to day, and it will be interesting to see how the next few months pan out. Regardless of what happens, employers cannot take their foot off the pedal when it comes to earning trust and driving engagement with current staff and creating a positive experience for potential hires.”

For more findings from the Robert Half survey, click here.