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Category: Communicating

The Real Reason 1984 Was Not Like 1984: PostScript

On January 22, 1984, during that year’s Super Bowl, the now-iconic and totally unforgettable Apple Computer advertisement aired.  The commercial never showed the computer itself, but ended with this audio: “On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like ‘1984.’”

We were there, and we remember. And, we would strenuously argue the Macintosh did change the world in some ways.

But, we would also argue the real reason 1984 was not like the book 1984 and one of the foundational reasons the entire world began to change so profoundly that year is because of the software that is PostScript and not hardware that was Macintosh. 

So, we want to draw attention to a December 2022 announcement and article released by the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. The museum announced the public release of PostScript’s source code. The article talks about the origins of PostScript and its significance inside the enormous world that is Print and points to its wider significance to the world that is, well, the entire World. For Seybold Report readers and followers, the article is a must-read.

“Today, the digital printing press has far exceeded anything envisioned by the Adobe cofounders when they first set out create PostScript with their team. Almost everything printed on paper is done so using computers. Indeed, in many areas of the world, computers have become the overwhelming tool for writing. As Doug Brotz puts it, PostScript ‘democratized the print world.’ With PDF now so successful that it too has become a global standard, the number of PDFs created each year is now measured in the trillions.”

Adobe Publishes Emoji Usage Report

Adobe has published a trend report on how people in the United States use emojis. The company surveyed 5,000 people. The results may surprise you. 😉

Here are a few of the findings:

  • The majority of respondents 88%) report they are more likely to feel empathetic toward someone if they use an emoji.
  • Three-quarters (75%) of the respondents feel more connected to people who use emoji.
  • More than half (60%) of the respondents agree using emoji in their communications has improved their mental health.
  • Half of respondents said they are likely to respond to a message if it contains an emoji (50%).
  • Almost all (92%) of the respondents agree emojis can communicate across language barriers. 

To read the full report, please click here.

emoji chart
image courtesy Adobe

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